British Film Depict 1960s/1970s

rich richard.romeo at
Thu Apr 9 14:06:20 CDT 2009

from latest Economist on film in Britain (that tipping point again)

The Boar that Rocked (directed by Richard Curtis--those awful 4
weddings movies like)

A country’s artistic preferences are not fixed; neither are its
attitudes to its past, which fluctuate with the perspectives of the
present. It may be that, in 2009, Britain’s appetite for fluffy
national pastiche has waned. And perhaps the 1960s hedonism and
puerile individualism that “The Boat” celebrates seem, in the
post-credit-crunch world, more flippant than heroic.

The Damned United (in Ken Loach, Mike Leigh vein)

The 1970s, on the other hand, with their volatility and humiliation,
have come to seem more relevant, almost a kindred decade (though the
fact that much of what is now the cultural establishment grew up then
may also be a factor in their salience). The ultimate message of “The
Damned”—that overreaching ambition must be tempered and sublimated in
teamwork to succeed—may seem more apposite

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