AtD blurb - "false" religiosity?

Otto ottosell at
Tue Apr 14 12:26:47 CDT 2009

German Bishop Links Nazi Crimes to Atheism

A Catholic German bishop has come under fire for his remarks
condemning atheists. In a sermon given on Easter Sunday, the bishop of
Augsburg, Walter Mixa, warned of rising atheism in Germany. "Wherever
God is denied or fought against, there people and their dignity will
soon be denied and held in disregard," he said in the sermon. He also
said that "a society without God is hell on earth" and quoted the
Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky: "If God does not exist, everything
is permitted."
The philosopher Michael Schmidt-Salomon, head of the humanist
non-profit group the Giordano Bruno Foundation, also sharply
criticized Mixa. "If you bear in mind that during the Nazi era it was
precisely the Jews who were accused of being godless, then one sees
how perfidious Mixa's reasoning is," he told SPIEGEL ONLINE. He points
out that freethinker associations were disbanded by the Nazis and
avowed atheists were persecuted.

Mixa's claim that the Nazi regime was "godless" is "a massive
distortion of history," Schmidt-Salomon said. Nazi ideology --
including its anti-Semitism -- was based largely on Christian
traditions, he said, explaining that evidence for that can be found in
Hitler's "Mein Kampf" and elsewhere. "The majority of the Nazi elite
saw themselves as Christians," says Schmidt-Salomon.

Michael Schmidt-Salomon:

His hommage to Frank Zappa was censored because of "blasphemy" - 166
StGB (German Penal Code):

1994 wurde die Aufführung seines Musicals "Das Maria-Syndrom", das als
Hommage an den US-amerikanischen Komponisten Frank Zappa gedacht war,
unter Bezugnahme auf den sogenannten „Gotteslästerungsparagraphen“ 166
StGB verboten.

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