FW: The Louisville Conference

Krafft, John M. krafftjm at muohio.edu
Fri Apr 24 14:46:50 CDT 2009

From: Sylvia M Berger [sylvia at louisville.edu]
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 3:25 PM
To: sjberg01 at gwise.louisville.edu
Subject: The Louisville Conference

2010 Call for Papers

The 38th annual Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture since
1900 will be held at the University of Louisville, February 18-20.
Critical papers may be submitted on any topic that addresses literary
works published since 1900, and/or their relationship with other arts
and disciplines (film, journalism, opera, music, pop culture, painting,
architecture, law, etc).
Work by creative writers is also welcome.

Visit our website for complete submission guidelines
Click on *First Call for Papers*      Group Societies are welcome.
Prearranged panels are also welcome.

Please forward this email to a colleague who may be interested in the

Deadline for submission is September 15, 2009 (postmarked). Inquiries:
dlday at louisville.edu

Sylvia Berger
The Louisville Conference on Literature & Culture since 1900
Conference Coordinator
Dept. of Classical and Modern Languages
University of Louisville
Humanities Bldg Rm 332
Louisville, KY 40292
sylvia at louisville.edu

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