Tommy does Tinseltown

jon newtalkingwall at
Wed Apr 1 19:45:39 CDT 2009

Apologies for not sending this plain text.  Anyway, this is the
website for a German film that is (apparently) based upon Gravity's

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 7:35 PM, jon <newtalkingwall at> wrote:
> There is this German film:
> On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 7:18 PM, Richard Ryan <richardryannyc at> wrote:
>> I'm sure this had been discussed on the list before - but does anyone know (definitively) why there are no movie versions of Vineland (or any other Pynchon novels that I know of ).  Does he refuse to sell the rights?  It appears someone tried to release an indie/online version of CoL49 and got whacked by his publisher....
> --
> Are you hip to Easter Island?

Are you hip to Easter Island?

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