CoL49 read

Robin Landseadel robinlandseadel at
Tue Apr 28 16:27:00 CDT 2009

> . . . hope to begin News from the Empire shortly
> rich

And let's not forget that we need that one last host:

Chap 1 & 2 - 		May 3/16 -			Laura
Chap 3 - 		May 17/30 -			Rich
Chap 4 - 		May 31/June 13 -		Mark
Chap 5 - 		June 14/27 - 			Robin
Chap 6 - 		June 28/July 11		??????

	The patient to whom this psychiatric report refers is me. The
	tests mentioned-the Rorschach, the Thematic Apperception
	Test, the Sentence Completion Test and the Minnesota
	Multiphasic Personality Index were administered privately, in 	
	the outpatient psychiatric clinic at St. John's Hospital in Santa
	Monica, in the summer of 1968, shortly after I suffered the
	"attack of vertigo and nausea" mentioned in the first sentence
	and shortly before I was named a Los Angeles Times "Woman
	of the Year." By way of comment I offer only that an attack of
	vertigo and nausea does not now seem to me an inappropriate
	response to the summer of 1968.
	Joan Didion, "The White Album"

	Not that the shrink held any dark power over her. But it was
	easier to stay. Who'd know the day she was cured? Not him,
	he'd admitted that himself. "Pills are different," she pleaded.
	Hilarius only made a face at her, one he'd made before. He was
	full of these delightful lapses from orthodoxy. His theory
	being that a face is symmetrical like a Rorschach blot, tells a
	story like a TAT picture, excites a response like a suggested
	word, so why not.

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