canning worms

rich richard.romeo at
Tue Apr 28 21:02:48 CDT 2009

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 9:37 PM, Hepzibah Pyncheon
<misshepzibah at> wrote:
> Now that the Bybee memo is public it should be read closely. You will find
> if you look carefully that each waterboarding "session" was understood to
> last 20 minutes; and that the victim would be drowned for 20-40 seconds,
> permitted to draw three or four full breaths and then drowned again, et
> cetera. Doing the arithmetic will tell you that this cycle could repeat 20
> times or more per "session."
> I think it is fair to assume that --- or, at least, to ask *if* --- when
> They are counting "waterboardings" they are actually counting "sessions",
> not the individual acts of controlled drowning. When they say that AQ
> subject A was waterboarded 183 times, and AQ subject B was waterboarded 183
> times, for a total of 266, they may very well be trying to avoid admitting
> that they drowned these two people some 5,320 times. (If AQ subject A was
> put through three sessions a day then his torture might have lasted 61 days,
> AQ subject B for 28.)
if not geometry and slaughter
then multiplication and torture


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