IVIV (1) "Uphill and invisible" p4

Doug Millison dougmillison at comcast.net
Thu Aug 27 16:48:30 CDT 2009

…thus reverberating all the way back to V.

> Mark the K:

> A---And, cars replacing natural wildlife....
>> "Uphill and invisible, traffic out on
>> the boulevard to and from the freeway uttered tuneful
>> exhaust phrases which went echoing out to sea, where the
>> crews of oil tankers sliding along hearing them, could have
>> figured it for wildlife taking care of nighttime business on
>> an exotic coast." p4
>> This wouldn't feel out of place in a Chandler novel.
>> Love the way the parallel structures carry me away:
>> …out on the boulevard…
>> …out to sea…
>> …on an exotic coast.
>> Disclaimer:Â  Our family had a dog we kids named
>> Tuneful, back in that early 1960s day, for her musical
>> talents.

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