Nushra MohamedKhan nushramkhan at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 16:30:58 CDT 2009

This is LIVE! So, I got my WIZZY WIG on. What you see is, is See You
What. And a whatknot tenderspot on up at Greasy Lake. Now that is a
short story we should all read together here on the P.  I knowed that
Boyle boy was somekinda black irish mutha second I set eyes on his
Cornell buddy and his Moma's  Dodge. Paranoid Trip.

Can't remeber if it is Hemingway or Fitzgerald or maybe it was both
and some other dude edited their drunken grammar ...but don't worry
none, I can do edit if that's what is required. I'll even put on a
Brooks Brothers suit, a silk tie, wing-tip shoes, carry a big-ass copy
of Warriner's Grammar and and Unfunky Wag the Dog Eared Copy of The
Elements of Style if you prefer. You Confeatherated  Dunce, YOU!

On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 4:22 PM, David Morris<fqmorris at gmail.com> wrote:
> I so agree with this.  Pynchon needs a strong editor (BTW so could your
> posts, Nushra), and AGTD (I also like this phonetic "acronym") is the prime
> example of this need.
> On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 2:22 PM, Nushra MohamedKhan <nushramkhan at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>  AGTD is great, but man could it be improved if he took out some 300-odd
>> pages and squared it up took out a couple few stupid plot lines and a
>>  couplefew dozen chanracters

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