mild drug SPOILER Re: other stoned detectives? Re: finished IV.

Bekah bekah0176 at
Tue Aug 11 14:16:17 CDT 2009

I've done Alice B. Toklas brownies - made them myself, in fact.    :-)

But the story of my seed soup is probably more interesting.    I was a  
simple little earth woman and made broth from chicken pieces  saving  
it in a jar in the refrigerator for gravies and so on.    My hubby was  
a simple little meteorologist and saved his stems and seeds for tea  
which he steeped in a jar in the same refrigerator.    One night to  
make some French onion soup I grabbed a jar of pale liquid from the  
refrigerator.  At dinner I said I thought the soup tasted a bit bland  
even with all the onions.   And then later that evening Tim went into  
the refrigerator for a glass of tea and asked,   "Hey,  what happened  
to my tea? "

"Um... Honey? ...  You  know how that soup was a bit bland?  Well, I  
think I may have may have invented a recipe?"   Fortunately he laughed  
and probably started another jar.   -  Oh my - so long ago so far away  
-  San Joaquin Valley ca. 1976 or so.

Reminds me of another story.   We had a choice, choice plant back in  
1975 or so.  Tim had babied it and it grew large and strong in the big  
wooden tub in our bedroom.   When it came time to move back to the  
Valley Tim harvested on the kitchen table.   He took the plant out of  
the tub and was shaking it to get the dirt off the roots when our  
daughter, age 8,   walked in.     She gasped,  "What are you  
doing???"   She knew this was our special plant.   Tim had no real  
choice.   "It's marijuana,"  he replied quite simply.    "Oh,"  said  
she and walked on out the back door.   I guess she knew that was bad  
and so no more need be said.   And no more  ever was said.

babbling on about the good old days when she was young and so on

On Aug 11, 2009, at 8:39 AM, David Morris wrote:

> I've not eaten hash, but pot brownies are a nice way to go.  The
> effect sneaks up on you about a half-hour after eating.  And it's a
> whole-body stone as opposed to a mostly head thing.  But if it's not
> good (or the right type) of weed, it can quickly make you want to go
> to sleep.
> On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 10:13 AM, Carvill  
> John<johncarvill at> wrote:
>> I didn't know about bonding with fat (surely a Himer Simpson joke  
>> in there somewhere?) but eating hash (raw or cooked) will give a  
>> very different kind of high than smoking a joint of it, stronger,  
>> longer, more trippy, much harder to 'maintain' your way through.

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