Narrative Distance "the price of developing any real life shared with an adult woman" (SL.10)

alice wellintown alicewellintown at
Tue Aug 18 08:07:18 CDT 2009

Falstaffs and Canines and Kids, make wonderful and cherished characters.

But Prince Hal must one day be crowned King.

"When I was a child . . . . "     lot of wisdom in those Letters of
Paul.  Lot of Woe in Wisdom.

Eternal Youth is a Death Instinct in all of Pynchon's novels.

_Love & Death in the American Novel_, Leslie Fielder has been mentioned.

We need to read Doc as a target of harsh satire. It will be even
tougher to do than in VL, where Zoyd is the target, because the
third-person limited narrative from Doc's POV draws us into him and
his way of seeing things.

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 8:00 AM, David Morris<fqmorris at> wrote:
> Pynchon may satire his boy-men, but it is clear that he also cherishes
> them.  He also makes the grown-ups (most, not all) villians.
> On Monday, August 17, 2009, Ray Easton <kraimie at> wrote:
>>  His American males are little boys inside, unwilling to pay the price and grow up and into a new inter-dependent relationship--have a family

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