you say you want a revolution, well you know
Joseph Tracy
brook7 at
Sun Dec 6 01:14:26 CST 2009
Tariq, Khalil - Tariq Ali Ali is a Pakistani intellectual whose
writing started in advocacy of armed Leninist resistance, but has
come more and more to oppose war and violence. He has come to focus
on the historic roots and patterns of oppression exhibited by
colonialism , imperialism and strong man rule and to celebrate
democratic resistance to imperialism. He first came to wide
attention in the US in 1968 for a debate with Kissinger over Vietnam.
Allele- the cellular locus of
the malleability of the characteristics of an individual through the
union of male and female genes.
Galil- Israeli assault rifle that comes as carbine or light machine gun
The name adds up to a powerful image that seems to very intentionally
ask questions about violent revolution and whether it is an effective
way of resisting empire, or establishing a just order. It has
echoes in the name and style and the questions raised by the
character of Mickey Wolfmann. Wolfmann is a Jewish businessman who is
relying on neo nazi skinhead types for muscle and protection. He also
has inner conflicts about the values that made him rich. When he
decides to reverse the cash flow he finds his "freedom" was limited.
Often we take for granted the positive inheritance of the american
revolution but Pynchon's ancestors were loyalists and M&D seems to
ask whether the Civil war was the real inheritance of that revolution/
landgrab led by an upper-class surveyor and real estate speculator.
And our defense of revolution is limited; we have great reservations
when those that America has clearly oppressed consider that "it is
their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to
provide new Guards for their future security."
It would seem to me to be in keeping with Pynchon's writing that he
is pointing both to Israel and the US as examples of the
overreliance on weapons and strongarm tactics by pointing out the
obvious tendency of such means to unleash violent resistance and
revenge, and to require a cultivation of criminal behaviors which
cannot be controlled or limited and lead to a world of cabals,
scapegoating and assassinations as dark as anything the long history
of Europe offers.
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