IVing to the last drop: "I can't trust any of these people"

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 6 07:36:39 CST 2009

Which lione one of the plisters---John Bailey?---recently felt strongly enough to post a chapter or two back. 

What, for the plot, do we know? Glen, whose arms deal to Tariq's people never went through -p. 295- was connected to the Golden Fang. Didn't save him. 

Tariq made the deal for WAMBAM, an armed black movement. 

Doc therefore is nowhere in understanding who is the mob behind the Golden Fang and where they stand. 

They, Glen, Tariq made the Aryan Brotherhood and got out of prison to work for Mickey W. Who went "missing"? Akin to Coy going missing? Working for Mickey is when Glen got killed. Tariq is still OK and a hell of a lover---'this guy IS two at a time"...

Two other Mickey employees connect Mickey to the Golden Fang. (that pic of Prussia). And funny Nixonhead money. Old flame Shasta is connected to Mickey. Which is how this started. 

We know the feds have Mickey. Why "holding' him? Can't charge him with anything--or won't---like LAPD would not Prussia? They know what LAPD knows therefore they are in some kind of collusion. Feds behind the mob.
As in so many noir novels, the PI learns the corruption goes very high.
here, perhaps for Pynchon's larger thematic concerns, to the Feds. 

Beyond the plot: 
The above, which, beyond the plot--or at the end of the Fed strand?-- connects Nixon to the bad money trope thru ALL our Presidents including Jefferson. Whose remark on blood and tyrants has Doc
saying, re Nixon, what if they are both the same? 

Jefferson: As long as they bleed.  

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