IV Killing Puck

Robert Jackson jbor at bigpond.com
Mon Dec 14 17:20:29 CST 2009

> Pynchon is probably is aware that air bubbles don't kill.  Everybody
> got air-bubble in the syringe fear from B movies.  By the way, they  
> do hurt=
> ,
> and maybe all of that is the point: pain before being sedated to  
> death.

It might be more to do with Doc not worrying about the niceties of  
administering a fix, flicking the syringe, tying off the circulation  
in Puck's arm, etc. Puck's already unconscious and in a world of pain,  
and Doc' s in a hurry.

I agree that Doc's 'fury' and the extreme vengeance he enacts is a  
response to what Puck did to Trillium.

I also don't believe it's correct to call Doc and Bigfoot  
'partners' ... exactly. Doc doesn't know about Adrian or Indelicato  
until Puck tells him. Bigfoot has set up Doc here, and he sets him up  
again with the 20 kilos in the boot of the Impala after the job is  
done. However, it's true that Doc looks out for Bigfoot. ... I suspect  
that their relationship is meant to be regarded as more along the  
lines of those strange alliances between erstwhile adversaries which  
occur often enough in the comics and cartoons - 'Dagwood and Mr.  
Dithers, Bugs and Yosemite Sam, Popeye and Bluto' - in that 'green and  
magenta' flashback hallucination that Pynchon supplies him with as  
he's about to get the job done for Bigfoot. (326)

Not sure whether there's anything to the 'two Docs' stuff during his  
PCP trip, exact perhaps as an attempt to narrate what the experience  
is like ... or the vision he has of 'the Golden Fang' as a vampire,  
describing itself as 'their worst fear ... an unthinkable vengeance  
they turn to when one of them has grown insupportably troublesome,  
when all other sanctions have failed' (318-9). Is the implication here  
that Doc is 'one of them' (i.e., the Golden Fang) who, like Blatnoyd,  
has grown 'troublesome' and is going to get it in the jugular as a  

todo lo mejor
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