aw. RE: NP [?]: Kultur im Neuen Jahr (was: New Year Reading)

Kai Frederik Lorentzen lorentzen at
Tue Dec 29 09:44:37 CST 2009

"Badiou is a kind of monstrous descendent of Lacan. Perhaps France's most important living philosopher, he doesn't much care for false modesty, praising his own Being and Event as "a ‘great' book". He's right. The tome spans the history of philosophy from Plato to the present, weaving in stunning reinterpretations of writers such as Friedrich Hölderlin and mathematicians such as Georg Cantor and Paul Cohen. Twentieth-century philosophy divided bitterly into the so-called Analytic and Continental schools, the former obsessing over science, logic and mathematics, and the latter over art and literature. Badiou circumvents the sterility of this non-debate by being at once more mathematical than his Analytic predecessors and more poetic than his Continental bedfellows. It's a difficult book, sure, but brilliant."

While reading this indeed brilliant book I have to think of Pynchon very often ...
And if you search the web a little you'll find people there discussing AtD's math in relation to Badiou's philosophy.

> Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 08:15:58 -0500
> Subject: NP: Kultur im Neuen Jahr (was: New Year Reading)
> From: scuffling at
> To: pynchon-l at
> Bad! Ooo...
> On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 7:34 AM, Kai Frederik Lorentzen> wrote:
> Alain Badiou and Erykah Badu.
> Allen einen guten Rutsch!
> Kai
> --
> AsB4,
> Henry Mu

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