VLVL(12) pgs 218-226
bekah0176 at sbcglobal.net
Sun Feb 22 12:45:59 CST 2009
Chapter 12 starts out with Weed Atman on his way to Holytail for a
Thanatoid get-together deep in the hills of Vineland County, No
Cal. ("Atman" is, of course, an Indian concept - Hindu/Buddhist -
which refers to the "real self" - the self which is reincarnated -
but I don't think that Atman is reincarnated yet.)
Atman is to attend the 10th annual get-together, Thanatoid Roast
'84. (Now I'm not sure what 10th annual would refer to - I think
Atman dies in 1969 (the year of lots of campus protests) so they
started the reunions in 1974? Or are then less frequent than annual?
Page 218 - the Bardo Thadol- Tibetan Book of the Dead
" 'The Bardo Thodol seems to be based upon verifiable data of human
physiological and psychological experiences; and it views the problem
of the after-death state as being purely a psycho-physical problem;
and is, therefore in the main, scientific. ' ”[3]
It's " '…a guidebook for spiritual practice on two levels: it helps
the yogi and yogini develop the abilities they need to traverse the
death crisis with skill and confidence; and it gives those who feel
unable to prepare fully for death, and are not confident of their
abilities, a religious sense of how to seek help from the enlightened
and divine and angelic beings' .[4]"
I like this one: http://tibettalk.wordpress.com/2007/12/07/bardo-
But this is funnier:
(Go for it Robin!)
So Weed is having trouble with his own death-transition 14 years
after the "fact," (but what's time to a Thanatoid?) And what with
all the fascist elements and paranoia (on all sides) it seems as
though the sleepy, pot-head town of Holytail is in the dying
transition, too. Like Atman, they just don't know it yet. Also,
like the name Atman, Holytail may have a Hindu derivation - The
monkey god Hanuman's tail is very important in several of his
stories. There is also a belief that all the planets are under the
control of Hanuman's tail. It is, therefore, a holy tail.
(great photos of statue showing tail - I understand that people try
to touch the tail but can't find the reference)
Page 219 - Best I can figure we're dealing with tiny-town of Orick
in Humboldt County (right on Highway 101 about 50 miles north of
Eureka). There is a hotel there which - well ... It's old and called
the Orick Inn -
In the old days:
And a little area atmosphere:
There's a little creek called Prairie Creek north of Orick aways - 4
or 5 miles?
(Google these on a Google map - Prairie Creek zip code is 95555)
The area ghosts are at Falk - a ghost town
It's possible that Arcata is a closer match, but it's pretty big at
17,000 people:
Finally, on page 225 there's reference to the "Combo-Ork"
arrangement - which usually refers to Dixieland but .. Orick/Ork?
Page 220 - Great Landslide of 1964 - Presidential election of
LBJ? (probably a real event on the road as well.)
Orick during the 1964 flood:
Pages 220-222 describes the intensified fascist tactics of the local
law enforcement coordinated with the Feds.
** Page 221 - CAMP = "Campaign Against Marijuana Planting"
(very interesting - very REAL - read on in there - set up in the
Reagan years, militaristic, etc.)
Pages 222-223 Parrots? What's with the parrots? Are they toys
to put the kiddies to sleep? Is the "voice" the one we hear on dolls
and electronic gadgets? They're very colorful, like Atman in his
get-up - which is a tux which might even have a tail. :-) (heh)
Parrots are tropical birds - from Nicaragua or some other South
American area where we were trying to stop drugs but they said what
about ours? Van Meter apparently has one - Luis - and the
description is rather magical - surreal. But the kids are going,
flying, somewhere jungle-like and meeting in their sleep so it might
be more like a drug or television or something. ???
Page 224:
"Thanatoid World" - (sounds like a sit-com theme song but which one? )
Page 225 Combo-Ork - it's not just "lingo" it's sheet music:
Page 226 - Dr. Elasmo happens in and set Atman to remembering his
prior life.
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