VLVL(12) pgs 239- 246
Bekah0176 at sbcglobal.net
Fri Feb 27 07:44:14 CST 2009
This is part two of a large chunk in section 12 dealing with 1969.
This is a couple days before Atman's death. Vond and Frenesi meet in
a very strange place. (try to visualize the set-up on page 239
paragraph 1.) Does this sound like a winner for your next planned
vacation? (ummm....)
Frenesi wore ... and round wire-rims with ND-1 filters for lenses.
Neutral Density filters. I think these are for cameras, they darken
things a bit so you can take photos at a faster (?) speed. (but
maybe that's exactly what Frenesi wants?) (heh) Eyeglass lenses
which darken are usually called "photo-grey."
The following sentence is so long and convoluted that I shall not try
to parse it...
"Neither (Vond nor Frenesi) had offered the other anything liquid -
it was among the least of all the civilities allowed to lapse
throughout Brock's profession as the Nixonian Reaction continued to
penetrate and compromise further what may only in some facing
memories ever have been a people's miracle, an army of loving
friends, as betrayal became routine, government procedures for it so
simple and greased that no one, Frenesi was finding out, no matter
how honorable their lives so far, could be considered safely above
it, wherever "above" was supposed to be, with money from the CIA,
FBI, and others circulating everywhere, leaving the merciless spores
of paranoia wherever it flowed, fungoid reminders of its passage."
.... but rather simply point out how the Nixonian Reaction had a
totally chilling, devastating effect on the "army of loving friends"
due to the money-based betrayals. All were suspect, no one was
"above" it.
Frenesi reports to Vond about how the "key log" came loose. The
key log would be the pivot on which a woodpile is balanced - if this
log is moved the pile comes tumbling down). Key log equals Atman and
because his credibility is now doubted and paranoia pervades the
campus, "it worked." So it was obviously a plot by Vond.
But Vond tells her that Atman really is an infiltrator having been
"convinced" at the dentist visits. Now Vond gives Frenesi the gun
to give to Rex and he tells her that if she can bring a camera she
can bring a gun -
"... one is make-believe, one is real... what if there is some
branch point in your life, where you'll have to choose between
worlds?" (pg 241) -
and now we've got a pretty graphic description of the gun as sex-
organ metaphor - or is it to the point of being a semiotic sign?
But although Frenesi still believes in the 24fps means of getting at
the truth, she now has nothing more to negotiate with - (I swear,
Frenesi is Lake in AtD - sticking by her man. - ("He may be a
asshole, but he's MY asshole.") and she has to take the gun.
And now you can take a peek at
(A very interesting essay/article)
(Molly) Hite believes that Vineland is informed by a meditation on
power and gender and that it reveals how the concepts of masculinity
and femininity are social constructions.22 Pynchon's characters
reveal that the masculine is by definition that which oppresses,
symbolized by Brock's fantasy of holding a pistol to Frenesi's head
and making her perform sexual acts.23 In Hite's words: "This
account of the construction of masculinity in turn indicates how
relations between men, and ultimately masculinity itself, are thereby
dependent on ... femininity .... [T]he feminine here is necessary to
the constructed masculine identity, which is threatened and may even
disintegrate when the feminine eludes or exceeds its control."24
Dependence on this constructed vision of men and women is further
revealed in Brock's dreams of being a security guard who is raped by
a feminine persona. Hite states that Brock's security guard
identity aligns him with the national state he serves and represents,
an identity that is vulnerable because of its oppressive and
repressive character.25 Each rape visited upon Brock is a source of
"drastic diminution," underscoring his unconscious fears and
eventually leading Brock (a Justice Department official) to separate
Frenesi--the feminine subject he is able to recognize--from her own
Then in Frenesi's reveries we are transported to a hypothetical
future in which she is being questioned by Vond at a Grand Jury
hearing about the death of Atman. "Nobody attempted to trace the
path of the gun."
This is the second hypothetical or fantasized future in this
chapter. Neither one comes to pass.
And Frenesi does get the gun to Rex and that's how it came to be in
Rex's bag for Atman to observe when Frenesi and Rex accuse him of
being an infiltrator/spy/snitch. (see page 234)
The PR3 have gathered and Frenesi is trying to talk Weed into
explaining himself on film. Rex returns and the moment of truth (and
death) arrives - Atman calls Frenesi's name and the frame twisted off
his face...
(the scene moves to Ditzah's house in the Valley where she and
Prairie are watching the footage in 1984)
"and the frame twisted off his face... "
I've never read so many back-flashes, flash-forwards, back-ups,
fantasy forwards, back behind the back-ups in one chapter (or book).
This little technique of repeated back and forth scene switching is
done quite well, it's very smooth, polished, that there has to be
some reason.
What is Pynchon trying to do with the time switches between 1969,
1984, and in between.
1. Are the switches in time and place done arbitrarily or is there a
rhythm, a rhyme or a reason to them?
And are they intended:
1. to replicate the way movies were doing the backflash/forward
flash - now meld into three days ago?
2. to make some kind of statement that 'The past is not dead. It is
not even past yet'.? (Faulkner) - or, otoh and considering the
unrealized fantasies about the future, saying that the past is dead
- and almost beyond recall, that the Nixonian Reaction squashed it?
3. to confuse the reader?
Is this quicktime forward/backward chronology replicated in other
works of OBA's oeuvre?
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