IV Page Length

Ian Livingston igrlivingston at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 13:32:12 CST 2009

It's all together likely I missed something in the conversations about
IV, but I wonder if anyone has been investigating yet the insurance
link TRP brought up when he introduced "the Inherent Vice of glass" in
M&D.  The connection from that to lamination, repetition and, of
course, music -- as the phrase comes up in reference to Ben Frank's
armonica -- seems like it might be pretty fun.  Can't wait to see what
the grand wizard has done with it.

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 1:52 PM, rich <richard.romeo at gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree with all of this Mark but I'm just wondering for a book that
> is purported to be situated in the late 60s early 70s, having that 80s
> look seems strange. or late 70s--more Nicolette Larson than Country
> Joe
> giving not taking alot of love
> rich
> On 2/11/09, Mark Kohut <markekohut at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Besides the 80s look, I suggest (sans neon) that it evokes garish
>> mass market "pulp fiction' titles from earlier decades............
>> Here's my gloss on the difference and the difference it makes:
>> Most mass market pulp fiction covers have human figures on them......
>> (for marketing reasons, for fiction, people on a cover 'sell' a book  better
>> (all things being equal)
>> For TRP, what has happened to "people"---the loss of their humanity--is one
>> theme
>> that is served by no humans, even pulp-stagey, on the cover.
>> But a car, an object we Americans (in general) have loved more than our
>> fellow beings?
>> Perfect from V. to now....
>> And neon! in TRP----see artificial lighting everywhere----a screaming issues
>> forth.....
>>>> amazon has uploaded the new cover and the pg length is now 384.
>>>> what's interesting about the cover which might have been mentioned
>>>> here is that it looks so 1980s--that ugly neon
>>>> rich
>>> . . . in magenta and kelly green,  Zoyd's favorite color combo . . .
>>> http://www.amazon.com/Inherent-Vice-Thomas-Pynchon/dp/1594202249

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