Today's Dave Post

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Mon Feb 16 09:17:30 CST 2009

On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 8:59 AM, Kai Frederik Lorentzen
<lorentzen at> wrote:

> Must be a pretty provincial email-program ...

That's kinda sorta my point as well.  Though do keep in mind, all,
that these are going to the listserv FIRST, and THEN to us (though if
you, say, "reply all," your correspondent may indeed find his/herself
getting arther different texts of what is presumably the same message.
 And enirely different alphabets (say, the NTA) are one thing (though
I do reserve the right to drop the occasional Greek root or somesuch),
but I don't know of any simple way to simply eleminate all the
diacritical marks (which I assume make some sort of difference, though
I will amdit, I don't generally go to the trouble to replicate 'em
when I transcribe, vs. cut 'n' paste, something).  And Hungarian might
be one thing, but French apparently doesn't suffer all TOO badly.
Ditto German.  Certainly not Spanish.  Obviously, we can't mak any
demands on, not unless we're going to pony up for them at
any rate, and I'm all for being as outdated-tech-sensitive as
possible, but ...

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