A great question

Bekah Bekah0176 at sbcglobal.net
Mon Feb 16 11:28:21 CST 2009

But the big Communist countries of our times (Russia, China) and many  
of the smaller ones were the same way - it was all about centralized  
control of every economic thing and a bunch of political/social  
things, too.   I think fascism is something more or something other,  
like the addition of a seriously militarist based society.  (Yes, US  
ca Reagan and the Bushies and as portrayed  in Vineland.)   Fascism  
is a just a capitalist-militarist version of Communism - it's about a  
dictatorship of the state.  -  the problem is (imo, of course)   at  
what point is some central control necessary and at what point is it  
too much.


On Feb 16, 2009, at 9:13 AM, Mark Kohut wrote:

> Laura asks:
> Is capitalism fascist?  A genuine question.  I'm not sure of the  
> answer.
> I'm not sure either but I suggest SIZE MATTERS: small business  
> 'capitalism', before some businesses
> become of a certain size---I know, how big?---does not have to be?
> I'm thinking, historically, of small merchants and other companies  
> in, say, a pre-industrial America, just
> for a place to start talking......
> But then, if some BIG DOGS came to own all the land................???
> So, still thinking aloud here, the opposite of fascism,  
> politically, is what? A kind of democratic individualism
> in which all one's 'rights' are not violated, trampled on, overrun???
> So, he continues giddily, out of semi-control here, maybe when  
> capitalism's Companies became like Persons by
> law....(They are, ya know)!!!   Suddenly, Company Persons became  
> Giant Adenoids, so to speak!

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