Inglorious Bastards (2009)

rich richard.romeo at
Tue Feb 17 11:51:20 CST 2009

wow, how profound--jews killing nazis
that'll make me feel better about the Holocaust


On 2/17/09, Dave Monroe <against.the.dave at> wrote:
> February 17, 2009 --
> QUENTIN Tarantino's new war movie, the strangely spelled "Inglourious
> Basterds," is shaping up to be the blood-spattered antidote for anyone
> who's depressed by the recent torrent of Holocaust movies - it's one
> big slaughterfest in which hundreds of Nazis are gleefully executed in
> the most gruesome ways possible.
> "If you thought Nazis died in 'The Dirty Dozen,' brother, you ain't
> seen nothing yet," film critic Harry Knowles - who visited the German
> set of the Harvey Weinstein-produced picture - writes on Ain't It Cool
> News. "There are a [bleep]load of Nazis dying. Seriously."
> In the movie, Brad Pitt heads up a team of "Bowery Boy Jews seemingly
> right from the heart of Hell's Kitchen" who are out to collect 100
> Nazi scalps each, according to Knowles. The plot goes from broad
> comedy to outright horror. In one scene, a soldier played by Eli Roth
> takes a bat to one Nazi, which ended up "splattering Nazi-brain blood
> all over me and my script, even though I was a good 15 to 20 feet
> away," Knowles says. (Roth's casting is a bit of an inside joke as
> he's also the director who grossed out audiences with the torture-porn
> shocker "Hostel.")
> In another scene, actor Omar Doom, who's described as looking like a
> "young Al Pacino," effortlessly scalps some Germans while
> machine-gunning others.
> An insider said: "The Nazis really get their comeuppance. It's a big
> change from all the downbeat Holocaust films over the holidays,"
> referring to "The Reader," "Valkyrie," "Defiance," "Good," "Adam
> Resurrected" and "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas."
> Tarantino told Empire magazine that one Scene, set in a basement bar,
> will resemble " 'Reservoir Dogs' but with Nazis and in German." He
> adds: "The Basterds are acting like the Apaches in a no-win
> situation."
> The flick - which co-stars Mike Myers, Samuel L. Jackson, Diane
> Kruger, Cloris Leachman and Rod Taylor - is set to debut at the Cannes
> Film Festival this spring.

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