Kill Bill

Ian Livingston igrlivingston at
Tue Feb 17 13:29:06 CST 2009

I've been thinking the whole female ninja thing in VL, and I've come to
believe more and more that Kill Bill was influenced by VL.  It's not just
the touch of death stuff, which for all I know is an old Chinese movie
gimmick.  I'm talking about DL's attempt at leading a normal life, and her
being again by her recruiter, Wayvone.

Chi is important for the martial artist because it is the basis for
internal power.  When a martial artist can properly tap, concentrate,
and use the Chi of his body, he can have power that goes beyond the
strenth of the muscles,,,,  With internal power the martial artist can
do many incredible feats of strength that go byond the mere use of the
muscles.  A martial artist beomes truly advanced when he can use
internal power for martial purposes....
Cavities or accupuncture points become very important to the martial
artist.  ...If a meridian through its cavity is agitated or
stimulated, the internal organ controlled by it will also receive the
stimulation....  If the cavity receives a violent strike, the meridian
and the internal organs controlled by it will be disrupted and
Chinese martial artists have found 108 cavities (out of 700 used by
accupuncturists) which can be use for martial purposes....  Of the 108
cavities, 72 are used to cause fainting or local paralysis, and 36 are
used to cause death....
When a bruise from an attack occurs it may get lodged in a cavity.
Once in the cavity, the bruise can affect Chi circulation and thus the
person's health.  Massage and herbal treatments are then used to force
the bruise out of the cavity.  If a serious bruise occurs in a cavity
vital for the circulation of Chi, the person may die if the bruise is
not removed.  Although a bruise may become lodged in a cavity,
sometimes the ill effects are not seen for a certain time period
because the Chi has not yet reached the damaged cavitiy; such effects
depend on the nature of the cavity.  For serious cases massage and
special herbs are used as cures.
--from Shaolin Long Fist Kung Fu by Yng Jwing-Ming and Jeffery A. Bolt

On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 9:24 AM, Henry Musikar <scuffling at> wrote:
> I've been thinking the whole female ninja thing in VL, and I've come to
> believe more and more that Kill Bill was influenced by VL.  It's not just
> the touch of death stuff, which for all I know is an old Chinese movie
> gimmick.  I'm talking about DL's attempt at leading a normal life, and her
> being again by her recruiter, Wayvone.
> Henry Mu
> FWIW, I'm playing Valentine's Day music on KCUF today:
> KCUF, 128 Kb/s on Shoutcast Unlimited and still the Most Eclectic Music on
> the WWW:
> to play,
> to see what's playing, and now available on
> RECIVA Internet-Radio receivers,
> KCUF can now be listened to using a Windows Vista Sidebar Gadget:
> (Hope you like little
> Grigori, or is that Henry the Octopus)

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