Vineland, the TV Series

rich richard.romeo at
Wed Feb 18 15:12:08 CST 2009

too bad it didn't last --had potential--considering some of the other
crap HBO replaced it with, I was bit surprised they pulled the plug so

i agree with you--it had that vibe (I know bad word) or Vineland-like


On 2/18/09, kelber at <kelber at> wrote:
> John From Cincinatti seemed to be an approximation of what Vineland:  The TV
> Series might be like.
> Laura
> -----Original Message-----
>>From: Robin Landseadel <robinlandseadel at>
>>Sent: Feb 18, 2009 1:10 PM
>>To: pynchon-l at
>>Subject: Re: Vineland, the TV Series
>>On Feb 18, 2009, at 9:47 AM, Henry Musikar wrote:
>>> For me, VL stands out in the Pynchon canon as, next to COL49, the
>>> easiest
>>> read, but more importantly, the most exterior, i.e. least internal,
>>> work.
>>> There's more to the Tube in VL than the usually entertaining
>>> references to
>>> shows, real and imagined. This one has a higher dialogue to weight
>>> ratio
>>> than any other P-work (someone talk me down if I'm wrong), making it
>>> easier
>>> to transfer to the Tube, and with less loss, than any other work by
>>> OBA.
>>> Henry Mu
>>I concur, Vineland consciously is modeled after made-for-TV movies and
>>miniseries, from its flashbacks within flashbacks right up to its
>>happily-ever-after conclusion.

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