pynchon-l-digest V2 #6673

Carvill John johncarvill at
Fri Feb 20 09:30:54 CST 2009

<< And y'all should know that if you dis Roth on the P-list your ass is
grass with MalignD (as it well should be).>>
Heh. Well, I didn't 'dis Roth', or at least I didn't mean to. I said he was great, and he is. A far more prolific author than P, he has, particularly of late, published some clunkers.
And I wouldn't want my ass to be anything but grass with MalignD. He's the sort of person - and online forums suffer a glut of this type - who revels in ad hominem attacks, launched under a pseudnym, from a safe trans-atlantic distance. 
The cc'ing thang? It has long been my windbaggy practice to send replies to the list, and cc them to whoever else either started and/or joined in a particular thread. I didn't invent this practice, merely adopted it, like a lot of online habits. If I'm in a thread with a few other participants, I will receive their responses more quickly if they cc them to my hotmail, than if I wait for them to come through the p-list server onto the archive or the digest.
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