VLVL(12) pgs 218-226

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 20:44:33 CST 2009

On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 12:45 PM, Bekah <bekah0176 at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Page 226 - Dr. Elasmo happens in and set Atman to remembering his prior
> life.

>From Patrick Hurley,  Pynchon Character Names: A Dictionary
(Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2008) ...

Elasmo, Dr. Larry, D.D.S. (Vine)

   Cowart identifies elasmo as a shortened form of "'elasmobranchii,'
the order of fish that includes sharks and rays" ("Continuity" 178).
The figurative meaning of the word applies here: "Applied to persons,
with allusion to the predatory habits and voracity of the shark: one
who enriches himself by taking advantage of the necessities of others"
(OED).  The reference may be to dentistry in general or to the rather
unique aspects of Dr. Elasmo's practice, including his extremely
persuasive techniques of forcing patients into his office.  Diebold
and Goodwin see a connection between Elasmo and Plasticman, although
this seems tenuous. (p. 52)


Cowart, David.  Thomas Pynchon: The Art of Allusion.
   Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1980.

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