The ends of America, the ends of postmodernism; On CofL49 again, always

David Morris fqmorris at
Wed Feb 25 16:50:22 CST 2009

Times Square isn't architecture, it's advertising.  Giant electronic
billboards swallowing up whole buildings.

Bad architecture (meaning *today* any postmodernism still being
practiced by mediocre designers) has always outnumbered quality
architecture.  I think that rule holds true for all of the arts.  But
no "starchitects" have been doing postmodernism for at least 15 years
(if not 20).  The stars of postmodern architecture back in the 80's
have either moved on, or they are being ignored as irrelevant.

David Morris

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 3:58 PM,  <malignd at> wrote:
> <<I haven't read the whole article yet, but Postmodernism Architecture has been dead for at least 20 years now.>>
> A quick stroll around midtown Manhattan, particularly Times Square, might persuade you otherwise.

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