Re. Moorcock and Entropy and Pynchon and Carvill and Quail

Lawrence Bryan lebryan at
Sat Feb 28 07:26:53 CST 2009

On Feb 28, 2009, at 4:55 AM, Carvill John wrote:

>> John, I always value, admire, and respect your opinions, but  
>> sometimes your
>> tone evokes the image a professorial lioness protecting her cubs from
>> imaginary threats!
> Quail - I will reply to your post properly when I get the chance,  
> but in the meantime:
> 1. DOn't think I've ever had my name in the Subject of a thread  
> before. At last - my name in pixels!
> 2. I value and enjoy your posts also, it's great to have you back on  
> the p-list. And I am very happy to discuss our disagreement, I just  
> wish I had time t ogo back through what little I know of Moorcock's  
> work. I seem to remember enjoying the Corum books when i was   
> ateenager - King of Swords series or something...

Were these the really depressing books, some fellow who was the last  
of his breed or something like that? My son read those and raved about  
them. But I think they had an emotional effect on him at 13. Hard to  
tell, I suppose, as he was just starting out on his awful teen years.  
Too bad there's no way to tell for sure what was just normal, more or  
less, adolescent anx  and something more serious. I'll have to ask him  
next time I see him. That was 25 years ago.


> 3. Don't mean to be a cub-protecting lioness! Sorry if I apopear  
> defensive on Pynchon's behalf. And I certainly don't want to sound  
> teh way those people who write to the newspapers sneering at how  
> popular music cannot adress teh same emotional range as classical  
> music sound.
> gotta go, my boy is on the rampage and i hear screaming from the  
> kitchen....
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