Another supposedly fun thing ...

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Fri Jan 16 08:47:28 CST 2009

1. Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
2. Turn to page 56.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post that sentence along with these instructions in your LiveJournal.
5. Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most
intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

"Although if the name is linked to pregnancy, it might suggest ectopic
pregnancy, a dangerous condition where the fertilized egg is lodged in
a fallopian tube, rather than the uterus."

--Patrick Hurley, Pynchon Character Names: A Dictionary (Jefferson,
NC: McFarland, 2008), "Fallopian, Mike (Lot 49)," p. 56

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