Cof L49 "Contracts flee thee yet"

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Mon Jun 1 20:55:25 CDT 2009

p. 83 Yoyodyne, Yoyodyne,
        Contracts flee thee yet.
        DOD has shafted thee,
        Out of spite, I'll bet. 

DOD became DODefense in 1948, when the name was changed from D of War. 

The Companion to Lot 49 reminds that Yoyodyne had more contracts 
than it could handle in "V." 

So, wonders if TRP "forgot" that with these song lyrics. 

I want to suggest two ways that seems not right. 

1) Maybe since the war and now into the mid-sixties, contracts
have diminished? 

2) These kind of corporate cheers are often exaggerations of a company's
real achievements and goals....if Yoyodyne was gulping and devouring 
a whole lot of contracts, all the more reason the company song would joke
about the ones that get away. Notice in TRPs phrasing, the notion that 
some still get away could be implied. 


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