CofL49 - time passages

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Sat Jun 6 00:30:28 CDT 2009

we are not, apparently, observing the Aristotelian unities...

anyway, in this chapter alone we've got,

tour of the Yoyodyne place
conversation with Koteks
conversation with Mike Fallopian, "a few days later" in the Scope
(which apparently has become a hangout for them)
quick flashback to Lake Inverarity where she saw the historical marker
quick trip to Zapf's
back to Echo Courts
trip to Vesperhaven (as a lead-in we learn that she'd gone alone to Lk
Inverarity to see the marker)
conversation w/Mr Thoth
back to the Scope to sound out Fallopian some more
then, "one rainy morning, with mist rising off the pool" off to Cohen's
and a long conversation there where she has the Dostoevskian epiphany

therefore, I get the sense that this is a fairly leisurely quest

what's kind of funny is that there isn't a scene where they read the
will. (is there?  It would be just like me to miss that...) Isn't that
kind of funny?  Is it supposed to be conspicuous in its absence? does
this typify the treatment of women, or maybe a more general statement
on the human condition...or are the rumors actually underestimating
how much of a hurry he was writing in...

" matter what you did to its edges the true Pacific stayed
inviolate and integrated or assumed the ugliness at any edge into some
more general truth."

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