Cof L49 "It's been very much in demand"

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Sun Jun 7 15:57:55 CDT 2009

Says Zapf, bookseller, of 'the text". (One meaning of zapfen is cone..'he came forward out of a wan cone", p. 89) Also, spigot and nothing that seems relevant 'cept for the cone/cone joke...)
Two requests of a bookseller don't usually mean "very much in demand", so I've always thought this meant a few others at least, not just Driblette.   
But Oedipa doesn't ask. Demurs. (A little afraid of the answer? I would be. Those 'hordes' of Tristero getting copies of THAT 
horrow-filled play? )
The finding of "variants" with any old, 'sacred' text? What other ones do we try to preserve and get right? 


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