C of L49: 91 times 91

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 8 13:40:57 CDT 2009

Thoth is 91 and speaks of his grandfather, who seemed 91, when he, Thoth was a boy.

Just a joke about Real Oldness?....as in that Biblical phrase, "70 X 7" Matthew 18 meaning one
should forgive and always forgive?
Or, other meanings?
Let's see, it is 1964 (in C of L49's present). Subtract 91 years and it is 1873.
Another 91 years and it is 1782.......Any significance?   If Thoth saw his granddad
'as a boy" it is some years later than 1782....
Well, 1782 is a year after the last state ratified the Second Constitutional Congress
and seven years before Washington became President. When the States were 'united' by agreement but there was almost no Federal government? No Pres.
I'm as baffled as Oedipa.  


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