NP,ex- Very Misc. : On Philip K. Dick

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Fri Jun 12 12:40:52 CDT 2009

"The real question (as I see it) is not, Why theophanies? but, Why aren't there more?---from Dick's "Valis" 1981

Full disclosure: I've only sorta read one, one-and-a-half P. Dick novels....I'm thinkin' on changing that due to a confluence of, the above quote and what else I type here comes from an article The Transmigration of
Philip K. Dick by a Philip Youngquist in the Spring 2009 issue of The Common Reader. 
But I know some p-listers have read him a lot. 

Which article I recommend not least because of its focus on two levels of literature: a canonical mainstream and "
"a subliterate tradition, for instance, of vernacular prophecy in America. African-American and poor-white preaching, in outsider art, in street graffiti and on television." 

The writer sees Dick as in the tradition of "dissenting Protestantism(!) that sustained Blake's visionary experience..."

"With satirical intensity and spiritual extravagance, his books propound vernacular prophecy to a secular world."...

THAT sentence, the theophany sentence and the Pynchon 'dissenting' Protestantism tradition, perhaps, might be applied to further understanding of C of L49?

OBA surely read him, cult pulp writer as he [Dick] was, yes?
More Misc. in a 1969 novel, Ubik, Dick hints that God might come out of an aerosol can....!


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