C of L49 Thurn and Taxis and forgeries
Mark Kohut
markekohut at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 13 12:43:19 CDT 2009
P. 96--97. Lots to look up here on the wiki and in the Companion, say, but I'm flagging...
We know T & T was real.....takes a 'dominant' mainstream mail delivery service back to 1300
in Europe....to somewhere around when the Feudal Middle Ages were ending and becoming,
ah, Europe, I guess.
That the Tristero can as if to "taunt'---to mute--- the T & T service....can forge right on its stamps...[probably a nod here to that masterpiece of forgeries, The Recognitions, yes?]....
So, the Tristero exists--and knows it exists---as a counterstatement. (As a smart older guy once said
to me about (most) hippies: they exist BECAUSE of the dominant culture. He meant this about hippies, in a very Pynchonian way, in both good and bad ways.)
But, say more....
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