
Robin Landseadel robinlandseadel at
Thu Jun 25 12:28:29 CDT 2009

Onion's Take on the Use of Twitter as Underground Communication:
	"Twitter was intended to be a way for vacant, self-absorbed
	egotists to share their most banal and idiotic thoughts with
	anyone pathetic enough to read them," said a visibly confused
	Dorsey, claiming that Twitter is at its most powerful when it
	makes an already attention-starved populace even more needy
	for constant affirmation. "When I heard how Iranians were using
	my beloved creation for their own means—such as organizing a
	political movement and informing the outside world of the
	actions of a repressive regime—I couldn't believe they'd ruined
	something so beautiful, simple, and absolutely pointless."

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