Mammatus Clouds

rich richard.romeo at
Sat Jun 27 18:33:04 CDT 2009

around 8:30pm last night in NYC there was an awesome cloud formation
and orange light spread across the sky

it was so impressive many folks on the street were just standing there
looking up with their mouths open

like a Transit of Venus kinda moment
the clouds were of the type here--all the lights of the buildings on
the NY skyline were changed into turquoise, all the borders of things,
buildings, airplanes, trees, etc was so sharp and well-defined in that
orangey light
the sky looked as if it was 50 ft from the ground

we were celebrating a friend's Quaker wedding y'day--who knows maybe
Jeremiah Dixon was giving me a wink or something

third pic from top was what it sorta looked like but so way more impressive


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