Pynchon blurbs, wittily, Einstein on The Middle East.

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Mon Jun 1 13:30:09 CDT 2009

Einstein was offered the Presidency of Israel?  And declined? (I learn
from the review)

that would have been an interesting ride!

Maybe the reason for the blurb was a simpatico feeling for somebody
else who chose not to become more of a public figure than he already

On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 7:22 AM, Mark Kohut <markekohut at> wrote:
> Enlarge the cover. Pynchon at the top.
> It is unusual for him to blurb a work of non-fiction. Reveals something re some of his "politics"?

"What's the story, morning glory?  What's the word, hummingbird?" -
from Bye Bye Birdie

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