Very Misc. on "projecting a world"

Ian Livingston igrlivingston at
Tue Jun 2 13:31:29 CDT 2009

Not even so "once upon a time," really.  Ken Wilber, a relatively
competent philosopher big with the new agers defines reality as a
kosmos composed of perspectives.  I have grown fond of referring to
memory as experience corrupted by interpretation.  The same tacitly
applies to history.

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 9:31 AM, Mark Kohut <markekohut at> wrote:
> For Jung, projection was how our Shadow side became instantiated.
> T.S. Eliot wrote his doctoral thesis on the philosophy of F. H. Bradley.
> it was called Knowledge & Experience and has this conclusion near the end:
> [For Bradley], "nothing is real, except experience present in finite centres. The
> world, for Bradley, is simply the intending of a world by several souls or centres."
> Lotta this stuff going aroun' once upon a time....

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