Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Tue Jun 2 15:08:05 CDT 2009

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 2:30 PM,  <kelber at> wrote:

> Any other views of who THEY might be in COL49?  The THEY who hold Oedipa in her tower?  Mark says societal forces.  Hollander would identify them as the CIA?  What about the THEY who reveal the Tristero to her?  I say some sort of analog for Maxwell's Demon -- all going on in Oedipa's mind as she stays locked in her tower.  ANy other takes on either out there?

I've long considered this both one of the funniest ...

   "'You one of those right wing nut outfits?' inquired the diplomatic Metzger.
   "Fallopian twinkled. 'They accuse us of being paranoids.'
   "'They?' inquired Metzger, twinkling also.
    "'Us?' asked Oedipa." (Lot 49, Ch. 3, p. 41)

... and one of the possibly most revelatory exchanges of Pynchon's ...

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