C of L49: again, the one who cannot be named.

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 10 18:04:38 CDT 2009

David Payne writes:
A couple pages earlier than Mark's quote: "In it's front recreation room she found sunlight coming in it seem seemed through every window; an old man nodding in front of a dim Leon Schlesinger cartoon show on the tube."

While that's a literal take on "intricate crystal" -- is the intricate crystal also akin to Maxwell's Box? Let me try to push that perhaps too far. 

Maxwell's Box has two chambers -- is one chamber the room & the other chamber a host of other worlds: the tube, history & Thoth's knowledge, the sunlight through the windows? 

Or maybe the two chambers are Oed's head & Thoth's head?

Is Toth the demon in the box, controlling the flow of information from one chamber (world) to another, and is Oed sensative enough to guide the demon so that entropy is upset, thereby triggering her vision of God which is echoed only a couple pages later when information flows to her through the dandelion wine?

I have a post on 'intricate crystal" coming......I've been reflecting on why--with all that sunlight surrounding her in the center---a 'crystal' has not-good associations in TRPs world, it seems. 

Di'nt even think of the TV......nor the Demon but, yes, maybe it is another of the working divide?....The either/or in the world which must be taken as BOTH TOGETHER in TRPs overcoming of the excluded middle (in his vision)?....
Which is another reason the novella ends in uncertainty? 

On Wed, 10 Jun 2009 05:07:39 -0400, Michael Bailey wrote:

> Mark Kohut wrote:
>> p. 92 "as if she had been trapped at the centre of some intricate crystal" and said, "My God"...as she did on page one...that near "religious instant". .........Thoth feels close to "My God"....(Thoth embodies American Exceptionalism?)
> Thoth is different from his grandfather.
> He remarked on the latter's bloodthirstiness, in fact, without seeming
> to share it.
> Who knows what he himself has done with his life? True, he hasn't
> rejected the grandfather by getting rid of the ring...
> The Indians weren't really Indians, either. (ie, he is privy to a
> different narrative than the American exceptional one, and he knows
> it; but yet old Thoth does call them heathens for not wanting to be
> killed in the dark (that's how he knows these guys weren't
> Indians)...although he himself feels close to God in the
> light...almost as if he shares their feelings)
> Just as Thoth isn't his grandfather...and the Indians weren't Indians...
> his grandfather isn't God...and Thoth - surely not blind to the same
> beauty of the light ("what is it that is born of light?") in the room
> that Oedipa sees - at this point in his life's journey is more
> interested in God than in his grandfather...
> actually he's kind of a cool old buzzard (or maybe Oedipa brings out
> the best in him)
> and maybe his words on Indians and anarchists and TV are relevant to
> Oedipa's quest, as much so as the information about the massacre(e)
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