C of L49

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 11 14:20:10 CDT 2009

p. 94  "Oedipa might have made the next connection by herself"....but Genghis Cohen assisted.

The dandelion wine connection?....Even without Genghis Cohen, she would have made the connection
that the Freeway displaced a cemetary? She is now 'getting' the way the dominant tower (as it were),
is building its society on the bones of the dead?  No respect for the dead? .....(seems pretty important
in later TRP and in those anthropologists/comp religionists he learned so much from.)

>From the desecration of the soldiers' remains in the play, and in America---bones as cigarette filters---and
the displacement of bodies here, the theme of defiling a country's dead---and its cost---looms large here, yes?


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