CoL49 (5) Inamorati Anonymous

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Wed Jun 24 12:49:24 CDT 2009

"entropic progression" writes Robin.................................

Or, Oedipa is in the entropy of the surround-sound Tower?......but
ultimately leaves it after stumbling upon the counter-culture and awaiting the crying? 

----- Original Message ----
From: Robin Landseadel <robinlandseadel at>
To: pynchon-l at
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 12:23:23 PM
Subject: Re: CoL49 (5) Inamorati Anonymous

On Jun 24, 2009, at 9:06 AM, Mark Kohut wrote:

> Is it possible that swearing off 'love' altogether, of any and all sentient beings IS another way to "suicide"?


    Well I don't care-for, th' things I eat,
    Can't stand that boogie-woogie beat—
    But I'm sold, on, suicide!

    You can keep Der Bingle too, a-
    And that darn "bu-bu-bu-boo."
    Cause I'm sold on suicide! . . .

On Jun 24, 2009, at 9:06 AM, Mark Kohut wrote:

> I mean Nefastis suggesting "sexual intercourse" just like that?...As if 'free sex' was being judged (by Pynchon).
> As if we have to know that Oedipa wants ..something like love---per Robin--- as she figures it all out.

What I'm seeing is an entropic progression [depression?] of Oedipa's relations with everybody [particular her significant others] as the book moves from Tupperware Party to the final auctioning off of Lot 49. Perhaps after the book is over and Mucho & Oed break up things get back to "normal" [whatever the hell that was in 1967], but the novel seems to be charting Oedipa's progress as "a calculated withdrawal" from America, something like what the author must have been going through as he moved from Boeing to the Underground, circa 1966. With friends like Kirkpatrick Sale, who needs a phone tap, anyway?


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