CoL49 (5) Anarchist Miracles

rich richard.romeo at
Mon Jun 29 15:18:03 CDT 2009

> wow, was Orwell really a fashionista?
> fascism, fashion same thing
> can't get more anarchic than a dolce & gabbana ad
> will beat the Christers everytime
> ;)
> us guineas just love this kinda shit
> rich

hee hee, I've made that joke too in my time.  We micks can't often
afford those duds, though...
I like the ads more than the clothes (which this Sicilian couldn't
afford even if I liked 'em which I don't)
i'm waiting for the Berlusconi D&G ad with proper hardon (just not
his, but in his ass)


On 6/29/09, Michael Bailey <michael.lee.bailey at> wrote:
> rich wrote:
>>Ian wrote:
>>> Don't know D&G well enough to comment on that aspect but I did read
>>> Homage to Catalonia this April in which Orwell talks about a religious
>> >comparison to anarchism.
>> ________
> going back to the root, religare, tying together, right?
> so the religious impulse could find satisfaction in a number of ways.
> I think readers of AtD found that the passage where Lew happens upon
> the anarchist gathering in Chicago draws that parallel quite well.
> As far as the Spanish Burgerkrieg, war being hell and all, I'm not
> acquainted with Orwell's writing but my impression was that the
> anti-clerical violence was bad religion on the part of the anarchists,
> and the fascism of the Church was also bad religion, but that's life
> in Hell...(just learned that the Life in Hell comic I used to like was
> by Matt Groening, later creator of the Simpsons)
> The comparison of Pierce and the Virgin to me conjures a Venn diagram.
>  A most juicy one, where the intersection of Christianity and
> anarchism is the crosshatched sweet spot.  Is this what OBA means?  I
> try to make a case for it, periodically...
>> wow, was Orwell really a fashionista?
>> fascism, fashion same thing
>> can't get more anarchic than a dolce & gabbana ad
>> will beat the Christers everytime
>> ;)
>> us guineas just love this kinda shit
>> rich
> hee hee, I've made that joke too in my time.  We micks can't often
> afford those duds, though...
> --
> "My God, I am fully in favor of a little leeway or the damnable jig is
> up! " - Seymour Glass

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