VLVL (13) p. 272 - "misoneism"

richardryannyc at yahoo.com richardryannyc at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 14 07:47:08 CDT 2009

"What really got [Brock's] attention was the Lombrosian concept of 'misoneism.'"


Main Entry: miso·ne·ism Listen to the pronunciation of misoneism
Pronunciation: \ˌmi-sə-ˈnē-ˌi-zəm\ 
Function: noun 
    Italian misoneismo, from Greek misein + neos new + Italian -ismo -ism — more at new 
Date: 1886
: a hatred, fear, or intolerance of innovation or change

See also:


[which cites its appearance in "Vineland" as the only exemplary use of this term....]


Quoth RR: In my (admittedly limited) web browsing for this term I have been unable to find more than a few passing examples of its use.  It's appearance on this page represents Pynchon at his most lexicographically obscure; one certainly understands why Brock would embrace this concept, but how likely would he be to use it?


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