NP - Dr Manhattan's Penis

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at
Fri Mar 6 18:47:13 CST 2009

Well, you know, film always seems to cover the same ground
as my schizophrenic mind; I've been noticing that for years.

You recall, no doubt I posted, how on eve #2 of Rosh HaShanah,
2000, I think, I tried to set up a temple-seraphim type tryst,
paying an erotic dancer $300 to auto-cunnilick herself (which
resembles 30 pieces of silver, huh?) to my AF. She couldn't.

But then, at Denny's afterwards, I had a vision of a Angel,
or, dare I suggest, of the Lord Himself? -- A luminous being,
ithyphallic, generously too, and kneeling on his right knee.
For reference, no wings, but build like Hulk Hogan squared,
way more than that puny blue man.

So, I kind of matched that to the 7th trumpet or vial, and
then when WTC fell down shortly after... and they called
this character... Dr. Manhattan?  That shivers me timbers.

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
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