Does Anyone Have Prince Albert in the Can?

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Wed Mar 11 14:10:59 CDT 2009

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 10:18 AM, Henry Musikar <scuffling at> wrote:

> Has anyone seen the game?

Thurn & Taxis

Number of players: 2-4
Age of players: 10+
Length: 60 minutes
Languages Available:
Suggested Retail: $32.95
Release Date: May
Status: Will Be Released/Reprinted

Game Description:
In 1490, Kaiser Maximilian I awarded Franz von Taxis the contract to
deliver mail between the Kaiser’s residences in Innsbruck and
Brussels.He did such a good job, that postal services in the country
continue to be connected with the name Thurn and Taxis. With the
introduction of postal carriages in the middle of the 17th century,
members of the family were raised to Count status and given the
hereditary title of Postmaster General. The game begins at this point
in history.Can you emulate the achievements of this family and build a
successful postal network? Do you have the talent to connect the right
cities to create an effective network and not lose sight of the need
to acquire new carriages when they are needed? Plan your moves
carefully and watch your opponents’ moves carefully, so you are
prepared to respond to them.The game takes you back in time and gives
you challenges that will bring you back to the game over and over.

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