NP - Frank Miller's Charlie Brown

Henry Musikar scuffling at
Thu Mar 12 10:02:55 CDT 2009

Um, David, maybe your message below was a good example of the "you two
DavM's."  There are you two DavM's, and it was just a little interesting to
me that Dave and David posted the same page to different places.  I meant
and wrote nothing derogatory, David.  Take a deep breath and calm down,


Henry Mu

-----Original Message-----
From: David Morris 
To: Henry Musikar
Cc: Pynchon Liste

What do you mean "you two."  Don't blame me for his idiocy.

As if his Facebook page is the center of anyone's world...


On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 9:44 AM, Henry Musikar <scuffling at> wrote:
> What IS it with you two DavM's, anyhow?

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