So long, and thanks for all the Genocide denials

Lawrence Bryan lebryan at
Tue Mar 24 14:01:35 CDT 2009

Taking a breather is a good idea. When I get overly wrought I try to  
relax with some soothing music.

I heartily recommend

especially the last minute or so of it.


On Mar 24, 2009, at 5:57 AM, David Morris wrote:

> OK, I'll pitch in:
> IMHO you clearly were more knowledgeable about what happened than
> those opposing you on this list.  And you were also quite passionate
> about the issue, obviously from your first-hand experience there.
> That passion got the better of you at times, leading to mild
> invective, but that doesn't bother me any.
> Take a breather, but return.
> David Morris
> On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 4:04 AM, Carvill John  
> <johncarvill at> wrote:
>> Apologies to all on teh sidelines who have had their inboxes  
>> clogged. Though it would have been nice to have seen a couple more  
>> people pitch in to point out that, whatever my intemperate tone and  
>> errors of presentation, my original intent was to stick up for a  
>> people who had genocide committed against them while the West  
>> looked on, and are now having to watch people like Chomsky twist  
>> what happened to them around to try to blame the victims. If that  
>> doesn't make you sick, I don't know what will.

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