CofL49, Eliot and The Wasteland

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Sat May 23 11:25:33 CDT 2009

I believe it was Robin who reminded us of TRP saying in Slow Learner
 how mentally pervasive, continuing-thru-CofL49, Eliot and his "The Wasteland" was.

>From Eliot and His Age by Russell Kirk, orig 1971. "Indeed [argued F.H. Bradley, the philosopher
whom Eliot wrote his thesis on], the "known" world was such an arbitrary construction."......But 
Eliot looked for some surety, some real knowledge of Self and World---for revelation, conceivably..."
page 59.

Sound like any protagonist we are reading about? Might CofL49 be dramatizing such a 'surety search'?
With, of course, the special 'answer".

"I think we are in rats' alley
Where the dead men lost their bones".----The Waste Land

"Behind Madame Sostris [in The Waste Land] lies all the dispossessed of Europe."---Eliot and His Age, R. Kirk


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