COL49 - Chap 1: Who is Pierce Inverarity?

Tore Rye Andersen torerye at
Mon May 4 03:03:23 CDT 2009

> I'm using the Bantam paperback edition with a psychedelic depiction of Oedipa dancing...
Definitely my favourite Lot 49 cover. Oedipa is not just dancing in front of a paisley pattern. If you look 
closely, you'll see that she is literally woven into that pattern. Reminds me of of line from the song "Traces"
by Built to Spill:
"I know it's hard sometimes for you to tell where you end, and where the world begins"
- an apt description of Oedipa, who is not sure whether she is really seeing the sinister patterns around her,
or whether she is merely projecting them. What IS certain is that "everything see saw, smelled, dreamed, remembered,
would somehow come to be woven into The Tristero" (first paragraph of chapter 4). Cf. also the image of the women
in Remedios Varo's painting who are embroidering a tapestry which is also the world. This important cluster of
metaphors is captured nicely by that old Bantam cover.
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