CoL49 (1) San Narciso/Echo Courts [PC 13/16]

Henry Musikar scuffling at
Sat May 9 09:03:24 CDT 2009

What a rip-off of Chanukah's miracle, Robin! 

Hanukah is... a festival of lights: 

An' how 'bout this, from Wikipedia: 

"Narcissism describes the trait of excessive self-love, based on self-image
or ego.

The term is derived from the Greek mythology of Narcissus. Narcissus was a
handsome Greek youth who rejected the desperate advances of the nymph Echo.
As punishment, he was doomed to fall in love with his own reflection in a
pool of water. Unable to consummate his love, Narcissus pined away and
changed into a flower that bears his name, the narcissus."

Henry Musikar
Sr. IT Consultant 

-----Original Message-----
From: Robin Landseadel

	She left Kinneret, then, with no idea she was moving toward
	anything new.
	CoL49, 13

The greater Los Angeles basin is full of Spanish names for newly  
sprung towns-the region has a history of ongoing expansion of bedroom  
communities. The creation of new suburbs was in full swing back in  
1964. "San Narciso" is derived from Saint Narcissus:	
	One year on Easter-eve the deacons were unprovided with oil
	for the lamps in the church, necessary at the solemn divine
	office that day. Narcissus ordered those who had care of the
	lamps to bring him some water from the neighboring wells. This
	being done, he pronounced a devout prayer over the water;
	then bade them pour it into the lamps; which they did, and it
	was immediately converted into oil, to the great surprise of the
	faithful. . . 

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